Please do NOT copy any contents of this website, but you can forward this website or link back to posts.請勿拷貝或抄襲在此網站的任何內容,但可以轉寄此網站或建立連結到潑文. Also please do NOT repost or upload any images from this website to any other websites. 請"勿"轉貼或上傳本站任何圖片至其他網站.Thank you for your cooperation!謝謝合作!
2012年8月30日 星期四
2012年8月16日 星期四
FREE Online Unzip Tool
These are free online tools to convert your files into zip format. http://archive.online-convert.com/convert-to-zip and http://www.unziponline.net/zip.php
If you do not have winzip or winrar, then you may want to consider using online unzip service to unzip file, here is the website for free unzipping files with bigger size online http://b1.org/online, so you do not need to install unzip software if the storage space of your computer is very limited.
To download massive desirable png frames, visit below websites:
Then, you can use png or psd frames (multiple layers can be opened by FREE GIMP 2.8, layer panel should be viewed or by clicking "Windows-->Dockable Dialogs-->Layers (Ctrl +L)). For example, inside this zip frame http://pngframes.net/60419-photo-frame-the-season-mojito.html contains both psd and png frames (use for personal only, I think). Some are zipped psd files, but some contain both psd and png in .zip or .rar format, here is the website for almost all beautiful designed png and psd frames http://pngframes.net/frames-png/page/2/
Most frames are at file sharing website for 60 to 90 days only and then they will be automatically removed. Thus, if you like those frames, you better be quick.
If you do not have winzip or winrar, then you may want to consider using online unzip service to unzip file, here is the website for free unzipping files with bigger size online http://b1.org/online, so you do not need to install unzip software if the storage space of your computer is very limited.
To download massive desirable png frames, visit below websites:
Then, you can use png or psd frames (multiple layers can be opened by FREE GIMP 2.8, layer panel should be viewed or by clicking "Windows-->Dockable Dialogs-->Layers (Ctrl +L)). For example, inside this zip frame http://pngframes.net/60419-photo-frame-the-season-mojito.html contains both psd and png frames (use for personal only, I think). Some are zipped psd files, but some contain both psd and png in .zip or .rar format, here is the website for almost all beautiful designed png and psd frames http://pngframes.net/frames-png/page/2/
Most frames are at file sharing website for 60 to 90 days only and then they will be automatically removed. Thus, if you like those frames, you better be quick.
2012年8月12日 星期日
FREE Malware Cleaner
Apart from useful Malwarebytes (http://www.malwarebytes.org/), there is another FREE malware clearner from an antivirus software company called Norman, http://www.norman.com/downloads/malware_cleaner/en-uk
P.S. Microsoft's FREE anti-virus software, http://windows.microsoft.com/en-GB/windows/products/security-essentials
This software also provides FREE mode of anti-malware, http://www.emsisoft.com/en/software/antimalware/
Lavasoft also has free anti-spyware, http://www.lavasoft.com/products/ad_aware_free.php
It is a free way from microsoft to speed up your windows pc, but you may need to adjust it well or you will end up more problems. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/929135
P.S. Microsoft's FREE anti-virus software, http://windows.microsoft.com/en-GB/windows/products/security-essentials
This software also provides FREE mode of anti-malware, http://www.emsisoft.com/en/software/antimalware/
Lavasoft also has free anti-spyware, http://www.lavasoft.com/products/ad_aware_free.php
It is a free way from microsoft to speed up your windows pc, but you may need to adjust it well or you will end up more problems. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/929135
2012年8月11日 星期六
More Open Source Softwares
This is another FREE fractal image generator called apophsis, http://apophysis.org/
The resulting examples are http://kward1979uk.deviantart.com/gallery/30646596 and http://browse.deviantart.com/?order=9&q=GIMP+script&offset=48#/d53fhww,but I am trying to figure out how. For more examples, http://tangent101.deviantart.com/gallery/34918861
This "Art of illusion" is a FREE open source software for creating 3D models. http://www.artofillusion.org/
The resulting examples are amazing, please visit http://www.artofillusion.org/artgallery and http://kward1979uk.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d16ehim for results of using art of illusion. 但我沒辦法安裝Art of illusion.
The resulting examples are http://kward1979uk.deviantart.com/gallery/30646596 and http://browse.deviantart.com/?order=9&q=GIMP+script&offset=48#/d53fhww,but I am trying to figure out how. For more examples, http://tangent101.deviantart.com/gallery/34918861
This "Art of illusion" is a FREE open source software for creating 3D models. http://www.artofillusion.org/
The resulting examples are amazing, please visit http://www.artofillusion.org/artgallery and http://kward1979uk.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d16ehim for results of using art of illusion. 但我沒辦法安裝Art of illusion.
Luminance HDR 2.3.0 is an open source, but I am not sure what this is for so far, http://qtpfsgui.sourceforge.net/
This Fr0st 1.4 Fractal is probably free, but I have not tried yet, http://fr0st.wordpress.com/2011/05/14/fractal-fr0st-1-4-released/ and it can creates image like this http://tangent101.deviantart.com/gallery/30129750#/d540m0u但我也沒辦法安裝Fr0st 1.4 Fractal.
Donationware is also good because there is no fixed price. Incendia EX is Fractal 3D Multiprocessor, http://www.incendia.net/ it can create images like these
Incendia EX這個軟體好,而且目前正在開發中,所以只要求捐贈贊助開發,所以就沒有固定價格.如果你捐的話,不管多少,他們會給最新版的及另外兩個免費的軟體(就是新版的 SnowFlake Generator及 Geometrica).詳情請參照官網http://www.incendia.net/download/index.html
This Fr0st 1.4 Fractal is probably free, but I have not tried yet, http://fr0st.wordpress.com/2011/05/14/fractal-fr0st-1-4-released/ and it can creates image like this http://tangent101.deviantart.com/gallery/30129750#/d540m0u但我也沒辦法安裝Fr0st 1.4 Fractal.
Donationware is also good because there is no fixed price. Incendia EX is Fractal 3D Multiprocessor, http://www.incendia.net/ it can create images like these
- http://tangent101.deviantart.com/gallery/34918861?offset=24#/d4gd8hg
- http://tangent101.deviantart.com/gallery/34918861?offset=24#/d4gfqwc
- http://tangent101.deviantart.com/gallery/34918861?offset=24#/d4k32x8
Incendia EX這個軟體好,而且目前正在開發中,所以只要求捐贈贊助開發,所以就沒有固定價格.如果你捐的話,不管多少,他們會給最新版的及另外兩個免費的軟體(就是新版的 SnowFlake Generator及 Geometrica).詳情請參照官網http://www.incendia.net/download/index.html
2012年8月10日 星期五
GIMP是人稱媲美photoshop cs的免費軟體而且會有免費升級版,教材也是免費的,但是大都是英文版,如果害怕學習英文,那就付錢買中文教學用書吧!請參照此網http://findbook.tw/book/9789572152072/basic
其他的,請超懶蟲自行尋找! 會使用者也可將GIMP的script轉成photoshop cs的script. Photoshop CS也有script及plug-ins的支援.
一些中文的GIMP的外掛程式(Plug-ins)及script(不知道中文翻譯名稱,解說在此網 http://thundercat-ghlin.blogspot.tw/2010/02/gimp-script-fu.html)來產生一些濾鏡(filter)的效果:
最新版的GIMP目前是GIMP 2.8版.
P.S. http://memorize-gimp.blogspot.tw/2009/04/21.html
其他的,請超懶蟲自行尋找! 會使用者也可將GIMP的script轉成photoshop cs的script. Photoshop CS也有script及plug-ins的支援.
一些中文的GIMP的外掛程式(Plug-ins)及script(不知道中文翻譯名稱,解說在此網 http://thundercat-ghlin.blogspot.tw/2010/02/gimp-script-fu.html)來產生一些濾鏡(filter)的效果:
- http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!5nbbef.RAx8aIbO00RkKIw--/article?mid=3242&prev=3253&next=3209
- http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!5nbbef.RAx8aIbO00RkKIw--/article?mid=964&prev=995&next=942&page=1&sc=1
- http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!5nbbef.RAx8aIbO00RkKIw--/article?mid=2776&prev=-1&next=2762
- http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!5nbbef.RAx8aIbO00RkKIw--/article?mid=2265
- http://jakonson.pixnet.net/blog/post/23093998-gimp-%2B-gimplabels-%E8%A3%BD%E4%BD%9C%E5%90%8D%E7%89%87
- http://www.wretch.cc/blog/qaz2911/5111456
- http://www.openfoundry.org/en/foss-programs/8611-lomo-effective-on-gimp
- http://shenk.pixnet.net/blog/post/22116973-%E7%94%A8gimp%E8%A3%BD%E4%BD%9Cspotlight%E6%95%88%E6%9E%9C
- http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!5nbbef.RAx8aIbO00RkKIw--/article?mid=1682&prev=1709&l=f&fid=7
- http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!5nbbef.RAx8aIbO00RkKIw--/article?mid=1574&prev=-1&next=1560
- http://www.wretch.cc/blog/qaz2911/5136525
- http://www.study-area.org/tips/gimp/2001_4_7/GIMP_ANIM_4.htm
- http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!5nbbef.RAx8aIbO00RkKIw--/article?mid=2874
- http://blog.yam.com/a1978925/article/23381848
- http://www.wretch.cc/blog/qaz2911/2785777
- http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!5nbbef.RAx8aIbO00RkKIw--/article?mid=2376&prev=2393&l=f&fid=10
- http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!5nbbef.RAx8aIbO00RkKIw--/article?mid=2925
- http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!5nbbef.RAx8aIbO00RkKIw--/article?mid=2869
- http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!5nbbef.RAx8aIbO00RkKIw--/article?mid=891&prev=-2&next=883&page=1&sc=1
- http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!5nbbef.RAx8aIbO00RkKIw--/article?mid=-2&next=2938&l=a&fid=13
- http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!5nbbef.RAx8aIbO00RkKIw--/article?mid=2884&prev=2902&next=2880&l=a&fid=10
- http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!5nbbef.RAx8aIbO00RkKIw--/article?mid=2354&prev=2376&l=f&fid=10 (官網,http://code.google.com/p/gps-gimp-paint-studio/)
最新版的GIMP目前是GIMP 2.8版.
P.S. http://memorize-gimp.blogspot.tw/2009/04/21.html
2012年8月9日 星期四
Does Anyone Know Where Can Get This Type of Plug-ins?
Does anyone know any plug-ins can turn my own photo into CG-like drawing or 3D model-like drawing? It will still look like me, but with CG-like effect. I do not mean photoshop CS with complicated multi-steps even requirement of drawing skill. Can a small plug-ins do this job? I meant this http://idnar.deviantart.com/art/CG-Girl-32-17064600
I meant does any plug-ins or filter effect be able to turn personal photo into CG-drawing WITHOUT any drawing and colouring skill?
In addition, does anyone know what software or even filter plug-ins can cartoonise me differently. e.g. cartoonise personal photo to become big head with small body as this image, http://www.cartoonme4u.com/how-it-works
P.S. I found this http://www.softpedia.com/get/Multimedia/Graphic/Graphic-Plugins/Photoshop-Manga-Effect-Plug-in.shtml to cartoonise me like character in Japanese comics. However, I have not tried yet.
I meant does any plug-ins or filter effect be able to turn personal photo into CG-drawing WITHOUT any drawing and colouring skill?
In addition, does anyone know what software or even filter plug-ins can cartoonise me differently. e.g. cartoonise personal photo to become big head with small body as this image, http://www.cartoonme4u.com/how-it-works
P.S. I found this http://www.softpedia.com/get/Multimedia/Graphic/Graphic-Plugins/Photoshop-Manga-Effect-Plug-in.shtml to cartoonise me like character in Japanese comics. However, I have not tried yet.
這個人把某個人的序號及使用姓名公開讓其他人使用此軟體.不過我沒使用他的序號,所以不知道真假?詳情見此網, http://blog.alumni.nctu.edu.tw/plate/web/papermsg.jsp?UI=hozafjhwd&PI=149219
2012年8月7日 星期二
Create Plug-ins for Photoshop
There are freeware, donationware and paid ones. For choosing right plug-ins creators, visit http://www.thepluginsite.com/knowhow/plugincreation.htmThis website provides some suggestion for people who is a beginner to create plug-ins for photoshop or photoshop elements. Hopefully, you find it useful.
2012年8月6日 星期一
FREE Photo Editing Software--GIMP to Open PSD Files
It is an open source, so it is a free software to open psd files and do some photo editing jobs. You can also write a plug-ins or scripts by yourself to use in this programme. Multi-layers of the psd file can be viewed, please check tutorials by yourself.
For download, http://www.gimp.org/
For tutorials, http://www.gimp.org/tutorials/
For its FREE brushes, http://www.noupe.com/how-tos/1000-free-high-resolution-gimp-brushes.html
For tutorial of using scripts, http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-use-scripts-plugins-in-gimp-to-extend-its-functionality/
For tutorial of writing a plug-ins or script,http://developer.gimp.org/writing-a-plug-in/1/index.html
For download, http://www.gimp.org/
For tutorials, http://www.gimp.org/tutorials/
For its FREE brushes, http://www.noupe.com/how-tos/1000-free-high-resolution-gimp-brushes.html
For tutorial of using scripts, http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-use-scripts-plugins-in-gimp-to-extend-its-functionality/
For tutorial of writing a plug-ins or script,http://developer.gimp.org/writing-a-plug-in/1/index.html
2012年8月5日 星期日
FREE Image Stocks for Commercial Designs
Can This Price Be Possible?
I wish anyone can tell me is this possible price for adobe photoshop cs extended? I found this website and I am not sure it is real or not. If it is real and reliable, I am going to have a dream come true that is becoming a photoshop cs extended user.
Can anyone tell us is this true to have $99.95 Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended ? Is this online retailer for real http://www.sale-applications.com/browse/search/?q=adobe%20photoshop%20cs ?
Then, next minute, guess what I found http://www.complaintsboard.com/complaints/softbuy-connecticut-c389490.html
Well, one of my dream has broken down. They all are bubbles. I am hopeless to have a decent license and live a life as a digital artist. Guess what? Legal software is too expensive that only makes richer people richer and poor people who can not stand a chance to change their life and to be different.
Can anyone tell us is this true to have $99.95 Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended ? Is this online retailer for real http://www.sale-applications.com/browse/search/?q=adobe%20photoshop%20cs ?
Then, next minute, guess what I found http://www.complaintsboard.com/complaints/softbuy-connecticut-c389490.html
Well, one of my dream has broken down. They all are bubbles. I am hopeless to have a decent license and live a life as a digital artist. Guess what? Legal software is too expensive that only makes richer people richer and poor people who can not stand a chance to change their life and to be different.
2012年8月1日 星期三
A Photo Selling Website for Students
If you are a student and you want to sell your own photos, then this website may be considerable. http://alamy.com/students/default.asp
For more websites to sell photos, visit this website for the list http://technologytosoftware.com/10-best-websites-to-sell-your-photos-online.html However, I guess students can get better profit from http://alamy.com/students/default.asp
For more websites to sell photos, visit this website for the list http://technologytosoftware.com/10-best-websites-to-sell-your-photos-online.html However, I guess students can get better profit from http://alamy.com/students/default.asp
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