2012年9月13日 星期四


In this website (shapes4free.com), there are shapes and patterns that are for both personal use and commercial use, but some are not that depends upon the author. http://www.shapes4free.com/shapes-resources/220-photoshop-floral-shapes-best-choice-for-designers/

In this website (ladyoak.com), there are many styles that are free for both personal and commercial use. http://ladyoak.com/Styles/View-category/Page-2.html

For other styles at deviantART, I have picked up many, visit http://lavandalu.deviantart.com/favourites/51743843 Some are free for personal use, but most are free use.

P.S. style (.asl), pattern (.pat), custom shapes (.csh) and brushes (.abr) all can be opened by both photoshop elements and photoshop cs, but only photoshop cs can create .csh and .asl files. Photoshop elements can create .abr and .pat files.



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