2013年7月5日 星期五

Why Do We NOT Have Gallery Like This in Taiwan?

I was thinking about a ticket-required gallery full of teddy bears in adult size and few other pretty dolls at separated floor. In this gallery, teddy bear is the spotlight and people can take photos with any of them, but they are untouchable. I guess there must be long queue.

A gallery full of this, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUnsEim9ksc Why Do We NOT Have Gallery Like This in Taiwan?

P.S. 我看過勝女的代價(SOP女王),男主角曾說過他要在中國開一個Teddy bear的專賣店,但我覺得合併索票式的展覽館會更好吧.一個展覽館有著跟人一樣大小的Teddy bear穿著各種服飾並有各種姿勢(就類似這個video的teddy bear那樣http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUnsEim9ksc)提供各種風格的拍照點.真想台灣有一個可愛又長期的展覽館.



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