2012年12月21日 星期五

FREE Tips for Using Win 8

Although I do not use Win 8, I suppose this website provides good tutorials. http://www.techradar.com/news/software/operating-systems/50-windows-8-tips-tricks-and-secrets-1028220#null

My laptop can not be fully compatible with Win 8 and is not easy on Windows OS to revert back the old OS. Besides, my laptop has " PlayMemories Home Plug-In" error because of "VCM VEP Merge Modules x84.msi" path missing right now after updating. I am really Not in the mood to upgrade OS.

2012年12月20日 星期四

FREEWARE to Make Video as Wallpaper


However, I do not know how I can make it work in Win 7. Although this  http://windows7themes.net/how-to-use-dreamscene-in-windows-7.html may be a solution for this freeware to install successfully in Win 7, I do not dare to try, anyway. 

2012年12月5日 星期三

2012年12月4日 星期二

FREE Sexy Anime Render by Ichihara Nezumi

(PNG, background removed)

Other artists' anime png, http://rendersbyxpaulax.blogspot.tw/2010/10/renders-de-tinkerbell-mangaka.html
and http://www.renders-graphiques.fr/galerie/Animes-et-Manga-4.htm

Click image to enlarge the picture, then you might want to save it by clicking right of optical mouse and select "save images as". 

P.S. I am NOT a homosexual. 

2012年12月3日 星期一

2012年11月12日 星期一

Game's PNG

This website organises some game screenshot packs from 4gamer for download and some packs contains characters' PNG (background removed), but you need to organise them by yourself because download links are quiet messy.

2012年11月9日 星期五

Shaiya's PNG and Others (Background Removed)


There are others at the same website, so just search your favourite by yourself.
Zodiac, http://planetrenders.net/The-Zodiac-PSD8040.html

DA PNG collection, http://lavandalu.deviantart.com/favourites/49795751

More amine renders (PNG, BG removed), http://anime-renders.blogspot.com.es/ 

2012年11月1日 星期四


This has many freebies, but I am not sure about the term of use. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/products/search?search[price_high]=0&search[price_low]=0 
 Can they be for commercial design or just personal use? I do not know.

2012年10月29日 星期一

New Found FREE PNG and PSD Frames

This website offers FREE png, psd and other materials to create something on your own for personal project (non-commercial use).

2012年10月28日 星期日


我以http://pixlr.com/editor/ 此網的免費服務為例
  1. http://pixlr.com/editor/ ("Language"->選擇"正體中文")
  2. 選擇"從電腦打開圖片" ("Open image from computer")
  3. 選擇任一個PNG畫框打開 (choose any PNG frame with background removed)
  4. "圖層" ("Layer")-> "打開圖像為圖層"("Open image as layer")->選擇任一個相片檔(.jpg)開啟(choose any jpg)->移至PNG圖層下(右手邊的圖層欄) (move jpg layer below the png frame layer at right hand side)
  5. "編輯"("Edit")->"自由變換"("Free transform") ->使用對角拉扯來調整相片大小以確保比例正確(adjust size of jpg photo by pulling /dragging cater-cornered to make sure the proportion of the photo remains still)->Enter->是 (或否來重新調整) (yes, confirm the change or No, restart the adjustment)
  6. "文件"("File")->"保存"("Save")->選擇儲存位置(choose a location to save file)->"確定" ("okay")
或本人自製的 (皆預設為4x6沖印尺寸) http://lavandalu.deviantart.com/gallery/35276593

如有不妥或不明之處,請email (在此文下的選項中).

2012年10月25日 星期四

Royalty-FREE Background Music

This website provides royalty-free background music for game, powerpoint, album etc either for personal or commercial projects. 

However, can anyone find cheaper royalty-free background music than this? If people only want for personal project, then those royalty-free background music all are too expensive.

FREE Slidershow Maker

To create personal slideshow for FREE of charge, please consider following apps:
  1. http://www.kizoa.com/
  2. http://www.smilebox.com/lp/slideshows.html?partner=googlead&campaign=search_global_slideshow_creator&mkwid=sJjRjROsH&pcrid=13546927763&pmt=b&pkw=create%20free%20slideshow&gclid=CO-OsYnvm7MCFcxYpQodcyQAuA
  3. http://www.sliderocket.com/
For more, please see the list at http://mashable.com/2008/02/16/forget-powerpoint-online-presentations/

2012年10月21日 星期日

New Found FREE Vectors(.EPS&.AI) for Commercial Design

This website provides .EPS&.AI vectors (containing background removed, scalable png) vectors for commercial design http://www.free-stock-graphics.com/category/vectors/
You need to register its WORDPRESS first and then log in to download. It is FREE registration.


2012年10月19日 星期五

Amazon's FREE ebook

It is a FREE ebook about using photoshop elements 10 (http://www.amazon.com/Your-Photos-Photoshop-Elements-ebook/dp/B009R8PZC4/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1350692929&sr=1-1&keywords=fix+photo ) and it is only read by FREE kindle reading apps or kindle dervice, which are all provided by amazon.com.

You can find FREE Kindle Reading Apps to download at "right" side of this page http://www.amazon.com/Your-Photos-Photoshop-Elements-ebook/dp/B009R8PZC4/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1350692929&sr=1-1&keywords=fix+photo
Kindle Reading Apps can be used on mobile phones (e.g. iphone and Android), iPad and PC.

Enjoy reliable free ebooks!

2012年9月29日 星期六

FREE Amazing Action (.atn)

I like these .atn although I can not really use them. After I use anti-malware, I can install .8bf into my photoshop elements10. Therefore, it should be enough for me.

2012年9月19日 星期三

More Styles (.asl) by Shelby Kate Schmitz (SKS)

I thought I have all styles (.asl) by SKS from graphicssoft com, http://graphicssoft.about.com/sitesearch.htm?q=style+by+shelby+kate+schmitz&SUName=graphicssoft

Then, I just found two more places to download SKS's styles that are free for personal and commercial designs. She has few different styles posted at these two websites rather than graphicssoft that is what I found.
 One is at adobe http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/exchange/index.cfm?s=5&o=desc&event=authorExtensions&authorid=75229748&from=4
This one is her own website (there is donation button at the end of page), http://photoshopstyles.orgfree.com/styles042.html

P.S. Other free styles for commercial designs just found,
by http://gfxbeat.com/index.php/psd-download
By Sue Chastain, http://graphicssoft.about.com/od/photoshopstyles/l/blstyles01.htm
By John Woods, http://graphicssoft.about.com/od/photoshopstyles/l/bljwls01.htm

For FREE patterns and textures under Creative Commons License, check this http://www.texturemate.com/content/scrapbooking-1-pattern-set-photoshop-or-gimp 

2012年9月13日 星期四


In this website (shapes4free.com), there are shapes and patterns that are for both personal use and commercial use, but some are not that depends upon the author. http://www.shapes4free.com/shapes-resources/220-photoshop-floral-shapes-best-choice-for-designers/

In this website (ladyoak.com), there are many styles that are free for both personal and commercial use. http://ladyoak.com/Styles/View-category/Page-2.html

For other styles at deviantART, I have picked up many, visit http://lavandalu.deviantart.com/favourites/51743843 Some are free for personal use, but most are free use.

P.S. style (.asl), pattern (.pat), custom shapes (.csh) and brushes (.abr) all can be opened by both photoshop elements and photoshop cs, but only photoshop cs can create .csh and .asl files. Photoshop elements can create .abr and .pat files.

2012年9月5日 星期三


  • 白象文化生活館


2012年8月30日 星期四





2012年8月16日 星期四

FREE Online Unzip Tool

These are free online tools to convert your files into zip format. http://archive.online-convert.com/convert-to-zip and http://www.unziponline.net/zip.php

If you do not have winzip or winrar, then you may want to consider using online unzip service to unzip file, here is the website for free unzipping files with bigger size online http://b1.org/online, so you do not need to install unzip software if the storage space of your computer is very limited. 

To download massive desirable png frames, visit below websites:
Then, you can use png or psd frames (multiple layers can be opened by FREE GIMP 2.8, layer panel should be viewed or by clicking "Windows-->Dockable Dialogs-->Layers (Ctrl +L)). For example, inside this zip frame http://pngframes.net/60419-photo-frame-the-season-mojito.html contains both psd and png frames (use for personal only, I think). Some are zipped psd files, but some contain both psd and png in .zip or .rar format, here is the website for almost all beautiful designed png and psd frames http://pngframes.net/frames-png/page/2/

Most frames are at file sharing website for 60 to 90 days only and then they will be automatically removed. Thus, if you like those frames, you better be quick.

2012年8月12日 星期日

FREE Malware Cleaner

Apart from useful Malwarebytes (http://www.malwarebytes.org/), there is another FREE malware clearner from an antivirus software company called Norman, http://www.norman.com/downloads/malware_cleaner/en-uk

P.S. Microsoft's FREE anti-virus software, http://windows.microsoft.com/en-GB/windows/products/security-essentials

This software also provides FREE mode of anti-malware, http://www.emsisoft.com/en/software/antimalware/

Lavasoft also has free anti-spyware, http://www.lavasoft.com/products/ad_aware_free.php

It is a free way from microsoft to speed up your windows pc, but you may need to adjust it well or you will end up more problems. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/929135  

2012年8月11日 星期六

More Open Source Softwares

This is another FREE fractal image generator called apophsis, http://apophysis.org/
The resulting examples are http://kward1979uk.deviantart.com/gallery/30646596 and http://browse.deviantart.com/?order=9&q=GIMP+script&offset=48#/d53fhww,but I am trying to figure out how. For more examples, http://tangent101.deviantart.com/gallery/34918861

This "Art of illusion" is a FREE open source software for creating 3D models. http://www.artofillusion.org/
The resulting examples are amazing, please visit http://www.artofillusion.org/artgallery and http://kward1979uk.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d16ehim for results of using art of illusion. 但我沒辦法安裝Art of illusion.

Luminance HDR 2.3.0 is an open source, but I am not sure what this is for so far, http://qtpfsgui.sourceforge.net/

This Fr0st 1.4 Fractal is probably free, but I have not tried yet, http://fr0st.wordpress.com/2011/05/14/fractal-fr0st-1-4-released/ and it can creates image like this http://tangent101.deviantart.com/gallery/30129750#/d540m0u但我也沒辦法安裝Fr0st 1.4 Fractal.

Donationware is also good because there is no fixed price. Incendia EX is Fractal 3D Multiprocessor, http://www.incendia.net/ it can create images like these
To view more examples,http://incendiaryart.deviantart.com/gallery/ and http://tangent101.deviantart.com/gallery/34918861?offset=24
Incendia EX這個軟體好,而且目前正在開發中,所以只要求捐贈贊助開發,所以就沒有固定價格.如果你捐的話,不管多少,他們會給最新版的及另外兩個免費的軟體(就是新版的 SnowFlake GeneratorGeometrica).詳情請參照官網http://www.incendia.net/download/index.html

2012年8月10日 星期五

FREE Music Studio Producer

In English, http://freemusicsoftware.org/1651


GIMP是人稱媲美photoshop cs的免費軟體而且會有免費升級版,教材也是免費的,但是大都是英文版,如果害怕學習英文,那就付錢買中文教學用書吧!請參照此網http://findbook.tw/book/9789572152072/basic

其他的,請超懶蟲自行尋找! 會使用者也可將GIMP的script轉成photoshop cs的script. Photoshop CS也有script及plug-ins的支援.

一些中文的GIMP的外掛程式(Plug-ins)及script(不知道中文翻譯名稱,解說在此網 http://thundercat-ghlin.blogspot.tw/2010/02/gimp-script-fu.html)來產生一些濾鏡(filter)的效果:
其他中文GIMP scripts的清單, http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!5nbbef.RAx8aIbO00RkKIw--/archive?l=a&page=2
GIMP的英文官網有更多的scripts及plug-ins,你也可免費註冊來上傳你的scripts,會有人指教批評甚至免費修改你script的錯誤.有些文章是提出問題,但有些是免費的scripts. http://registry.gimp.org/search/node/script
最新版的GIMP目前是GIMP 2.8版. 

P.S. http://memorize-gimp.blogspot.tw/2009/04/21.html

2012年8月9日 星期四

Does Anyone Know Where Can Get This Type of Plug-ins?

Does anyone know any plug-ins can turn my own photo into CG-like drawing or 3D model-like drawing? It will still look like me, but with CG-like effect. I do not mean photoshop CS with complicated multi-steps even requirement of drawing skill. Can a small plug-ins do this job? I meant this http://idnar.deviantart.com/art/CG-Girl-32-17064600
I meant does any plug-ins or filter effect be able to turn personal photo into CG-drawing WITHOUT any drawing and colouring skill?

In addition, does anyone know what software or even filter plug-ins can cartoonise me differently. e.g. cartoonise personal photo to become big head with small body as this image, http://www.cartoonme4u.com/how-it-works

P.S. I found this http://www.softpedia.com/get/Multimedia/Graphic/Graphic-Plugins/Photoshop-Manga-Effect-Plug-in.shtml to cartoonise me like character in Japanese comics. However, I have not tried yet.


這個人把某個人的序號及使用姓名公開讓其他人使用此軟體.不過我沒使用他的序號,所以不知道真假?詳情見此網, http://blog.alumni.nctu.edu.tw/plate/web/papermsg.jsp?UI=hozafjhwd&PI=149219


2012年8月7日 星期二

Create Plug-ins for Photoshop

There are freeware, donationware and paid ones. For choosing right plug-ins creators, visit http://www.thepluginsite.com/knowhow/plugincreation.htmThis website provides some suggestion for people who is a beginner to create plug-ins for photoshop or photoshop elements. Hopefully, you find it useful.

2012年8月6日 星期一

FREE Photo Editing Software--GIMP to Open PSD Files

It is an open source, so it is a free software to open psd files and do some photo editing jobs. You can also write a plug-ins or scripts by yourself to use in this programme. Multi-layers of the psd file can be viewed, please check tutorials by yourself.
For download, http://www.gimp.org/
For tutorials, http://www.gimp.org/tutorials/
For its FREE brushes, http://www.noupe.com/how-tos/1000-free-high-resolution-gimp-brushes.html
For tutorial of using scripts, http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-use-scripts-plugins-in-gimp-to-extend-its-functionality/
For tutorial of writing a plug-ins or script,http://developer.gimp.org/writing-a-plug-in/1/index.html

2012年8月5日 星期日

FREE Image Stocks for Commercial Designs


FREE Software to Run Android on Windows

As title,

Can This Price Be Possible?

I wish anyone can tell me is this possible price for adobe photoshop cs extended? I found this website and I am not sure it is real or not. If it is real and reliable, I am going to have a dream come true that is becoming a photoshop cs extended user.

Can anyone tell us is this true to have $99.95 Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended ? Is this online retailer for real http://www.sale-applications.com/browse/search/?q=adobe%20photoshop%20cs ?

Then, next minute, guess what I found http://www.complaintsboard.com/complaints/softbuy-connecticut-c389490.html

Well, one of my dream has broken down. They all are bubbles. I am hopeless to have a decent license and live a life as a digital artist. Guess what? Legal software is too expensive that only makes richer people richer and poor people who can not stand a chance to change their life and to be different.

2012年8月1日 星期三

A Photo Selling Website for Students

If you are a student and you want to sell your own photos, then this website may be considerable. http://alamy.com/students/default.asp

For more websites to sell photos, visit this website for the list http://technologytosoftware.com/10-best-websites-to-sell-your-photos-online.html However, I guess students can get better profit from http://alamy.com/students/default.asp

2012年7月26日 星期四

FREE Online Photo Editing Tools

To open PSD file for FREE without using adobe products, visit this website for suggestions, http://techsalsa.com/3-ways-to-open-psd-files-without-installing-adobe-photoshop/

To edit photo online for free, visit this website for suggestions, http://woork.blogspot.tw/2009/01/5-optimal-online-photo-editors-you-may.html

Amongst their suggestions, Pixlr is particular recommended to open psd file online for free, visit http://techchand.org/1833/edit-photoshop-files-online-with-online-psd-editior
However, it does not work in my case and I do not know why??????

FREE Software to Make Photo Card

You can always use paid microsoft office powerpoint to blend FREE PNG frames (also called cluster frames/photo frames/graphic frames called by me) to make photo cards or some other softwares.

If you do not have any idea about using png frames, then you may want to try this freeware
This is a FREE software(FREEWARE) to create photo cards as these pictures shown http://www.photo-card-maker.com/
download link is http://www.photo-card-maker.com/diy-cards/diy-photo-cards.html

To import new frames to this freeware, you need to zip png frames (PNG photos frames with .zip file extension) first in order to use " import" for adding new downloaded frames.These are free online tools to convert your files into zip format. http://archive.online-convert.com/convert-to-zip and http://www.unziponline.net/zip.php

To download massive desirable png frames, visit below websites:
  • http://pngframe.com/category/abstract/
  •  If you do not have winzip or winrar, then you may want to consider using online unzip service to unzip file, here is the website for free unzipping files online with bigger size http://b1.org/online, then you can use png frames inside this zip http://pngframes.net/60419-photo-frame-the-season-mojito.html (this one contains both psd and png frames) and use for personal only, I think. Some are zipped psd, but some contain both psd and png in zip package, here is the website http://pngframes.net/frames-png/page/2/
  • P.S. Favourite Quote
    " Do NOT lie when you cry because it is low. " "People in capital city only see capital. How capital!"
    "Cheaters never think they lie because they believe in their own truth which is lie to others."
    "Never expect truth from cheaters."
    "I never wish to become an amusement of bitches and yet I might be."

2012年7月24日 星期二

FREE Fractal Generator for Commercial Design

It is a free fractal generator that can be for commercial designs. http://www.chaospro.de/features.php for download, visit http://www.chaospro.de/download.php and for term of use (TOU), visit http://www.chaospro.de/documentation/html/intro/legal.htm

My examples of creating png frames by it, http://lavandalu.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d58n1cx
Probably, they are not good examples because I just practise " using layer mask" and "fractal generator". Although I am not good at math, I still want to make some fractal images.

2012年7月15日 星期日

Tutorials for Using Photoshop to Dye Hair


P.S. create avatar photo, http://www.webdesign.org/photoshop/photo-editing/angelina-jolie-as-a-na-vi-from-avatar-movie.18062.html

For more tutorials of amazing photo manipulation (click title of images to view detailed tutorial to create same effect on your photos if you have photoshop CS), http://artzzluv.blogspot.tw/2012/04/photoshop-fantay-tutorials.html#.UAOwOfUZ67L

Filter Library and Download Filters

This website offers 9015 filters for photoshop, but the plug-ins software needs money and it now is on sale (60% off summer sale until 31th of July 2012).
Are you interested in this plug-ins http://www.filterforge.com/filters/ ? As long as you use their plug-ins software, then you have 9015 filter files to use for free.

If you can not download filters and use them, this is my solution to this issue:
  1. open "firefox"
  2. Click "Tools" 
  3. Click "Options"
  4. Click "Applications"
  5. Search "filter forge" for content type and select " use filter forge" at action
  6. for selecting "use filter forge" at action, click "use other" --> "browse"--> "computer"-->"local disk (C)" --> "Program Files (x86)" --> Select "Filter Forge 3" --> "Bin"--> "Filter Forge" 
  7. Then, you can select interested filters and then click "open this filter in filter forge" --> then you will see the filter effect at plug-ins
If you still did not see the filter, you probably need to open filter forge first before you download. I download and try when my plug-ins is opened.

2012年7月14日 星期六

FREE .ASC Scripts

I do not know ASC files so far, but I will know it much better later on and I suppose someone may need to have free ones to be installed.
Here you go,
  1. http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&section=&global=1&q=script#/d1pgfjy
  2. http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&section=&global=1&q=script#/d1wz2fi
  3. http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&section=&global=1&q=script#/d1tj0nh 
  4. http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&section=&global=1&q=script#/d13qniz 
  5. http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&section=&global=1&q=script#/dxjspo 
  6. http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&section=&global=1&q=script#/d1adji1 
  7. http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&section=&global=1&q=script#/d1fk73n 
  8. http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&section=&global=1&q=script#/d1a95se 
  9. http://browse.deviantart.com/?order=9&q=script&offset=24#/d1ecrgg 
  10. http://browse.deviantart.com/?order=9&q=script&offset=24#/d17agfu 
  11. http://browse.deviantart.com/?order=9&q=script&offset=24#/d1a082v 
  12. http://browse.deviantart.com/?order=9&q=script&offset=24#/d1dsc5m 
  13. http://browse.deviantart.com/?order=9&q=script&offset=24#/d1e51o0 
  14. http://browse.deviantart.com/?order=9&q=script&offset=24#/d14nh9y 
  15. http://browse.deviantart.com/?order=9&q=script&offset=24#/d14yknp 
  16. http://browse.deviantart.com/?order=9&q=script&offset=24#/d1lbvos 
  17. http://browse.deviantart.com/?order=9&q=script&offset=24#/d125dat 
  18. http://browse.deviantart.com/?order=9&q=script&offset=24#/d1auuwt 
  19. http://browse.deviantart.com/?order=9&q=script&offset=24#/d12izoa 
  20. http://browse.deviantart.com/?order=9&q=script&offset=24#/d1ee1bx 
  21. http://browse.deviantart.com/?order=9&q=script&offset=24#/d16hr4o 
  22. http://browse.deviantart.com/?order=9&q=script&offset=24#/d1bbjds 
  23. http://browse.deviantart.com/?order=9&q=script&offset=48#/d14vhjl 
  24. http://browse.deviantart.com/?order=9&q=script&offset=48#/d15dahh 
  25. http://browse.deviantart.com/?order=9&q=script&offset=48#/dzf9lr 
  26. http://browse.deviantart.com/?order=9&q=script&offset=48#/d1cj68z 
  27. http://browse.deviantart.com/?order=9&q=script&offset=48#/d19tbl9 
For more FREE .asc scripts, visit and search at deviantart, e.g. http://browse.deviantart.com/?order=9&q=script&offset=72

Photoshop Script (.JSX) and Actions (.atn)

Although I do not know how can I install script into "Photoshop Elements10", these scripts are useful for Photoshop CS users.

Photoshop Scripts (.JSX) 
  1. http://www.avbros.com/english/products.html#scripts (two scripts are free, but others are demo.)
  2. http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/exchange/index.cfm?event=extensionDetail&loc=en_us&extid=2548029  
  3. http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/exchange/index.cfm?event=extensionDetail&loc=en_us&extid=2363022
  4. http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/exchange/index.cfm?event=extensionDetail&loc=en_us&extid=1044672 
  5. http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/exchange/index.cfm?event=extensionDetail&loc=en_us&extid=1043178 

Photoshop Actions (.atn)
  1. http://theyummyone.deviantart.com/gallery/25809228 
  2. http://sa-cool.deviantart.com/gallery/100559 
  3. http://mutato-nomine.deviantart.com/art/Comics-Photoshop-action-39643547?q=boost%3Apopular+in%3Aresources%2Fapplications%2Fpsactions&qo=90  (http://mutato-nomine.deviantart.com/gallery/29529534)
  4. http://iscarlett.deviantart.com/gallery/
  5. http://perfectlyhudgens.deviantart.com/art/3D-Action-144512201?q=boost%3Apopular+in%3Aresources%2Fapplications%2Fpsactions&qo=204 (http://perfectlyhudgens.deviantart.com/gallery/10413428)
  6. http://bati1975.deviantart.com/art/Pencil-Draw-Photoshop-Action-93249233?qj=1&q=boost%3Apopular+in%3Aresources%2Fapplications%2Fpsactions&qo=256
  7. http://mutato-nomine.deviantart.com/art/Vectorize-me-babe-ATN-38162006?qj=1&q=boost%3Apopular+in%3Aresources%2Fapplications%2Fpsactions&qo=324
  8. http://psnick.deviantart.com/art/Watermark-Photoshop-Action-78686819?qj=1&q=boost%3Apopular+in%3Aresources%2Fapplications%2Fpsactions&qo=343
For more actions, http://www.visual-blast.com/photoshop/124-free-photoshop-actions/

Wonderful Styles for Photos

I found answers for my questions from these styles as well. I did NOT make profit on advertising all of these commercial websites at my blog. I just simply like their offers and designs.
  1. http://store.scrapgirls.com/product/20354/ScrapSimple-Tools---Styles%3A-Resin-6401-Super-Biggie
  2. http://store.scrapgirls.com/product/20350/ScrapSimple-Tools---Styles%3A-Bokeh-6401

P.S. the " add to cart " button at this blog is just for fun and see anyone who is interested to spare money because of their good mood that is all. The "add to cart" button is NOT because of links at this blog, but it is for the images I created at this blog.

Amazing plug-ins from Redfieldplugins

I have ever wondered what softwares can turn ordinary photos into this type of images?

Then, I found this plug-ins http://www.redfieldplugins.com/filterFractalius.htm and I also wonder how people create beautiful floral cliparts, then I found this http://www.redfieldplugins.com/samFlowersA.htm

Softwares offered by Redfieldplugins can be integrated into Photoshop Elements 10 as part of filter function although the price is high.

P.S. This plug-ins software from namesuppressed.com may be useful for fabric designers, http://www.namesuppressed.com/design/plugins-plaidlite.shtml

More amazing plug-ins effects/filter from other shops,
  1. http://graphicssoft.about.com/gi/o.htm?zi=1/XJ&zTi=1&sdn=graphicssoft&cdn=compute&tm=869&f=22&tt=14&bt=0&bts=0&st=33&zu=http%3A//www.diardsoftware.com/
  2. http://graphicssoft.about.com/gi/o.htm?zi=1/XJ&zTi=1&sdn=graphicssoft&cdn=compute&tm=78&f=22&tt=14&bt=0&bts=0&st=33&zu=http%3A//www.flamingpear.com/glitterato.html
  3. http://graphicssoft.about.com/gi/o.htm?zi=1/XJ&zTi=1&sdn=graphicssoft&cdn=compute&tm=709&f=22&tt=14&bt=0&bts=0&st=33&zu=http%3A//www.humansoftware.com/pages1200/PhotoLight/HSplight11.html 

2012年7月13日 星期五

Where can I find FREE "Custom Filter (.ACF)"?

For Photoshop Elements10, .8BF files of plug-ins can not be loaded to Elements10, so where can I find FREE "custom filter (.ACF) " to load different effects from defaulted preset?

Hopefully, someone has the answer! Thanks!

P.S. .8BF plug-ins can be loaded and used in PaintShop Pro X4 Ultimate, and the steps are at this website http://www.paintshopblog.com/2008/07/09/how-to-install-plugins-plug-ins-in-paint-shop-pro/

Photoshop Elements 10 can use plug-ins from this website (it will be at "filter" after you install their effects and reopen the software), http://www.redfieldplugins.com/Downloads.htm You can download demo to try their amazing effects.

Photoshop Plug-Ins

  1. It is a freeware (FREE for Commercial Design) to plug-in some extra function to photoshop if you are interested in trying this freeware. http://www.cybia.co.uk/theworks.html Some other freewares for word processing are listed at cybia http://www.cybia.co.uk/utility.html
  2. http://www.optikvervelabs.com/ 
  3. http://www.autofx.com/freeplugins/dreamyphoto.asp?id=4 
  4. http://www.redfieldplugins.com/filterWaterRipples.htm  / http://www.redfieldplugins.com/Downloads.htm
  5. http://www.mehdiplugins.com/english/fur.htm
  6. http://www.mehdiplugins.com/english/kaleidoscope.htm
  7. http://www.mehdiplugins.com/english/sortingtiles.htm
  8. http://www.littleinkpot.co.uk/FreePlugins.htm 
  9. http://www.artistic-effects.com/3d-shadow/ 
  10. http://www.philipp-spoeth.de/photoshop/sinedots2.php 
  11. http://www.mehdiplugins.com/english/erasergenuine.htm 
  12. http://www.mehdiplugins.com/english/juliaworld.htm 
For more,
  1. http://speckyboy.com/2008/06/05/25-of-the-best-photoshop-plugins-and-filters-resource-sites/ 
  2. Click image for more, http://www.1stwebdesigner.com/freebies/huge-list-of-highly-extensible-photoshop-plugins/

Good Tutorials of Using Photoshop Scripting Function

I do not have expensive CS, but I thought this tutorials may be useful for people who have Photoshop CS.

P.S. one question, does CG creation use this scripts? http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/exchange/index.cfm?event=extensionDetail&loc=en_us&extid=2548029

2012年7月9日 星期一

2012年7月8日 星期日

FREE Poser Tubes (PSP tubes/3D models/3D cliparts) for Personal and Commercial Designs

3D cliparts (PSP files can only be opened appropriately by PaintShop) are free for both personal and commercial designs, e.g.http://www.outlawgraphics.com/psptubes1.html

To download this artist's 3D models, click images for download window to pop up--> save --> open them by PaintShop (http://www.corel.com/corel/product/index.jsp?itrkid=DIPSP&storeKey=us&segid=2500058&cid=catalog20038&pid=prod4130078
, you may use trial version to open them and convert to png images for your own use)

Probably, freebies from below website are only for personal use. Purchased items may be for commercial design.  

Best Wishes for all, cheers!

FREE eBooks about Buddhism (in English)


2012年7月6日 星期五

FREE Romantic Novels

You can choose to read online or buy it to read offline. They are listed at following websites:
May your English language learning get better and better!

Reference: http://voices.yahoo.com/5-best-free-online-romance-novel-websites-6994672.html

FREE English Books for Children (兒童免費英文書)

For better English learning, there are many available FREE books for children to read, so parents can select and download for children to read offline.
I think children will be more interested in English comics, so some FREE comics from marvel, but you may only be able to read by Chrome, http://chrome.marvel.com/#

One of flash books, moonlight walks, http://vnovel.info/moonlight/ For other stories, http://vnovel.info/

Another website for free comic books, http://www.amilova.com/en/comics-manga/10/amilova.html or http://www.amilova.com/en/comics-manga.html?book_type=comics or http://www.amilova.com/en/comics-manga.html?book_type=manga

Manga, http://1979lavanda.blogspot.tw/2011/11/free-comics-online.html

2012年7月1日 星期日

FREE Photoshop Patterns

Photoshop patterns are in ".pat " file format. They can be opened by either photoshop CS or Elements.
This artist, who names Shelby Kate Schmitz, provides plenty of free patterns for both personal and commercial designs. http://graphicssoft.about.com/od/photoshoppatterns/ss/sksplaidpat.htm

To use patterns (.pat files),steps are outlined as below:
  1. download the desire pattern ( in ". pat" format)
  2. open a new layer
  3. click "create new fill/adjustment layer" below the layer panel
  4. click "pattern"
  5. click square with pattern fill (the one with colourful pattern) 
  6. click a double arrows right next the list of patterns
  7. click the option " load patterns" 
Then, you can create something like this, http://lavandalu.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d55nrx1
For more free stuffs from Shelby Kate Schmitz, please check this list http://graphicssoft.about.com/sitesearch.htm?q=Shelby+Kate+Schmitz&SUName=graphicssoft

Reference: http://www.heathrowe.com/photoshop-patterns-loading/ 

2012年6月26日 星期二

An Open Source of Cliparts- FREE Cliparts

I suppose Open Clipart Library provides an open source of cliparts, which are free for using on both personal and commercial projects. http://openclipart.org/about

An example of clipart from above website,

To download images from the open clipart library, click interested images--> click PNG (you can choose to type resolution you desire or not) --> right click optical mouse --> choose "save image" as PNG format.

If you like it, you may donate to this open source at the bottom of the website, or just enjoy free cliparts.

If softwares, images or anything are provided as an open source online, I guess they do not need money, but you can always donate any amount of money anytime only when you feel like to. No stress! No worries!!!

2012年6月9日 星期六

I Personally Favour the Graphic Frames of Lantana's Design

What do you think? I personally really favour Lantana's design, they are so beautiful. For download, click read full news or blue letters below the pictures.

Google Search Result for Lantana's design,

Apart from Lantana's design, some of designs from Tramplin are quite attractive although they did not all have displayed pictures. For download links, click blue letters below the pictures,

2012年6月5日 星期二

Download FREE Flash (SWF) Games

First, you have to install flash player, e.g. this one "SWF & FLY player " at CNET.com, http://download.cnet.com/SWF-FLV-Player/3000-13632_4-170532.html

Second, choose free swf games from some websites, e.g. http://www.lpopova.com/2012_01_01_archive.html

Third, click download link to view the flash game

Fourth, if you are using firefox, select " Tools" --> " Page Info "--> " Media" --> Select " Address" (with "Embed" type)--> click " save as" --> "save" the SWF--> play it by swf player offline

It is the same procedure to download swf game from this website http://salamanderarcade.com/category/Puzzles/new/3, but you need to take a little bit time to choose right address (it is "Embed" type with name of the game).

I guess this method applies to any free and "embeddable" SWF game websites. Enjoy FREE download!

In reference website, it also explains to download swf game through other Internet browsers. I just take an example of firefox Internet browser.

Reference: http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-download-embedded-flash-swf-files-using-your-browser/

FREE Antivirus for Windows OS

I am not sure it works or not, but it is free and available to download at CNET. Com

Sponsorship for Game Designers

I am not sure about this sponsorship provided by this website, but if you are bold enough to try.

2012年6月3日 星期日

Re-Post: Alternatives to Microsoft Office for FREE (其他的免費的文書處理軟體)

Alternative software to Microsoft Office for FREE
For Windows,
SoftMaker Office 2008, http://www.freeoffice.com/en/
OpenOffice, http://www.openoffice.org/download/
For Mac,
For Linus, http://www.freeoffice.com/en/

For Installing Other Languages of OpenOffice for FREE, http://www.openoffice.org/download/other.html
中文版OpenOffice, http://www.openoffice.org/zh-tw/
其他免費軟體或資源,請參照左列"網誌存檔" 所列的清單.

2012年5月27日 星期日

Some FREE Interesting Short Animation Films to Download

You can download films at Youtube as mp4 or fly files by using this software https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/download-youtube/ After installation, re-start firefox brower to search within youtube, download buttons are below films.
A Gentleman's Duel, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXET1kvEOAY
Ritterschlag, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7lsbwm-dvc&feature=related
Alma, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tECaYQ1AzkM&feature=related
Pixar's Presto, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1K9EH90CyA&feature=related
One Man Band, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=454nNoD6-TI&feature=related
Alarm, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lc-vINJmhNk&feature=related
Big Catch Animation, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yzzmop7ae0I&feature=related
Partly Cloudy, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6umzWF8pbL8&feature=related
Pixar-Lifted, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pY1_HrhwaXU&feature=related
Pigeon: Impossible, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEjUAnPc2VA&feature=related
Sheep In The Island 1, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvR8LGOUpNA&feature=related
Sheep In The Island 2, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEg-VpyoVBQ&feature=relmfu
Sheep In The Island 3, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhG-XO-XAb8&feature=related
Devils Angels & Dating, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkddkbu-EMA&feature=related
Carrot Crazy, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7V7MOk0FZrg&feature=related
Rooted, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IshQFFwW30U&feature=related
Invention of Love, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTdzCAGH3lU&feature=related
Sintel, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rO0yXC0oyIA&feature=related

Longer Films at Youtube:
Barbie Princess Charm School (full film), http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=No0fHZhze9Y
StarStruck (full film), http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inDWALr0E7A&feature=related

Explore by Yourself!
Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please do NOT try to kill me because of this list, thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By the way, those films are NOT uploaded by me. I just found them.

2012年5月4日 星期五

FREE PSD Photo Frames by Galina V

Galina V's gallery, http://galinav.deviantart.com/gallery/
To download frames, click interested frames and then click [link] at description just under each frames --> click green button with " continue to http://......."  for download page.

P.S. FREE Photoshop brushes, styles, shapes and PNG images with transparent BG by roula33, click http://roula33.deviantart.com/gallery/
by ElizaVladi, http://elizavladi.deviantart.com/gallery/

P.S. FREE poser tubes, click http://carolannw.deviantart.com/gallery/
To download PNG with transparent BG, click "download image" option of each images to have transparent background,  http://naughtygirlgraphics.deviantart.com/gallery/30479677

P.S. Images with transparent BG, http://sugarpaula.deviantart.com/gallery/?offset=0

P.S. FREE PNG Frames by Diza-74, http://diza-74.deviantart.com/gallery/32073403

P.S. PNG files (with transparent background) I favour, click this collection of my favourites made by other artists, http://lavandalu.deviantart.com/favourites/49795751
For my favourite brushes from deviantart, click http://lavandalu.deviantart.com/favourites/45417342

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