Please do NOT copy any contents of this website, but you can forward this website or link back to posts.請勿拷貝或抄襲在此網站的任何內容,但可以轉寄此網站或建立連結到潑文. Also please do NOT repost or upload any images from this website to any other websites. 請"勿"轉貼或上傳本站任何圖片至其他網站.Thank you for your cooperation!謝謝合作!
2013年10月30日 星期三
2013年8月15日 星期四
2013年8月3日 星期六
PNG or jpg masks, Photocap, Paintshop及photoshop皆可用,但.pcf要用paintshop or photocap開,而.pmf及.pct檔只能用photocap開.
- http://aa2008bk.mysinablog.com/index.php?op=ViewArticle&articleId=3182496
- http://aa2008bk.mysinablog.com/index.php?op=ViewArticle&articleId=3131296
- http://aa2008bk.mysinablog.com/index.php?op=ViewArticle&articleId=3338551
- http://aa2008bk.mysinablog.com/index.php?op=ViewArticle&articleId=3394439
- http://aa2008bk.mysinablog.com/index.php?op=ViewArticle&articleId=3488960
- http://aa2008bk.mysinablog.com/index.php?op=ViewArticle&articleId=2681966
- http://aa2008bk.mysinablog.com/index.php?op=ViewArticle&articleId=3453961
- http://aa2008bk.mysinablog.com/index.php?op=ViewArticle&articleId=3659048
- http://aa2008bk.mysinablog.com/index.php?op=ViewArticle&articleId=3226910
要更多png遮罩框及其他種相片卡框 (.pcf,.pmf 或.pct),請參照此清單點擊入後,逐一下載.大部分下載連結在網頁下.
Photocap在套用一般圖框及遮罩框上十分容易.尤其將一般的PNG圖框轉成pcf或pmf後,套框時,照片會自動對合圖框產生合成影像.對小學生來說,相當容易!我發現很多國小都在學Photocap.以後大概所有小學生都會使用Photocap套圖框了. Paintshop可開啟.pcf,但無自動套框的功能!
Photocap在套用一般圖框及遮罩框上十分容易.尤其將一般的PNG圖框轉成pcf或pmf後,套框時,照片會自動對合圖框產生合成影像.對小學生來說,相當容易!我發現很多國小都在學Photocap.以後大概所有小學生都會使用Photocap套圖框了. Paintshop可開啟.pcf,但無自動套框的功能!
2013年8月2日 星期五
One GIF Question--Seek Answer
I use photoshop elements 10 that can only create animated gif under 1000 pixels. How can I create animated gif with 1250 pixels like this one http://www.layoutsparks.com/1/47798/blue-sparkle-cute-black.html ? I cannot find answer from the Internet.
2013年8月1日 星期四
Amazingly Beautiful GIF...Must Share
- https://diza-74.deviantart.com/art/Sea-of-love-319866504
- https://diza-74.deviantart.com/art/Happy-Valentines-Day-282338183
- https://diza-74.deviantart.com/art/A-romantic-evening-to-you-333399496
- https://diza-74.deviantart.com/art/Heart-253783149
- https://diza-74.deviantart.com/art/Magic-flower-319868157
- https://marazul45.deviantart.com/art/En-el-espejo-193964232
I wish I can create something like these one day.
2013年7月31日 星期三
FREE Online Converter---Convert Gif to MP4
I found this free online tool to convert gif to mp4, but it can only convert file under 100MB for free (see detail, https://www.online-convert.com/register). If you want more, you probably need to pay ( https://www.online-convert.com/register).
The link for converting gif to mp4 is here, http://video.online-convert.com/convert-to-mp4
For converting other files' formats, visit here http://www.online-convert.com/
The link for converting gif to mp4 is here, http://video.online-convert.com/convert-to-mp4
For converting other files' formats, visit here http://www.online-convert.com/
2013年7月19日 星期五
FREE English Fonts--CU Available
These fonts are free and commercial design available as they said at their websites.
- http://www.fontsnthings.com/freefoopyfonts/freefoopyfonts.shtml (http://www.dafont.com/fonts-n-things.d1209)
- http://ajpaglia.com/ (click Font/Type Work at left)
- http://fonts.tom7.com/ (download link is at the bottom under zero zip icon-- click the text "Click this to get all of the fonts in one zip", TOU is at section of legal stuff)
- http://manfred-klein.ina-mar.com/
- http://www.dafont.com/typodermic.d1705 (author's website for TOU, http://typodermicfonts.com/license/)
- http://www.dafont.com/%C3%86nigma.d188 [should be truly freeware and each fonts have author's (Brain Kent) initial in them]
- https://sites.google.com/site/pearlygatesfonts/ (claim to be freewares by a hobbyist)
- http://www.1001fonts.com/free-fonts-for-commercial-use.html?page=2&items=10
- some are for personal use only, but some are free for commercial use, click here http://www.abstractfonts.com/
P.S. This one may not be free for CU, but it is nice donationwared-fonts http://www.dafont.com/claudep.d857?page=1
- http://a7654311.pixnet.net/blog/post/48946352-%5B%E8%A8%AD%E8%A8%88%E8%B3%87%E6%BA%90%5D-%E6%9C%80%E6%96%B0-%E5%85%8D%E8%B2%BB%E4%B8%AD%E6%96%87%E5%AD%97%E5%9E%8B%E5%AD%97%E9%AB%94%E4%B8%8B%E8%BC%89%E8%B3%87%E6%BA%90,-#axzz2ZYG54vgD
- http://opanayika.pixnet.net/blog/post/1639029-%E5%85%8D%E8%B2%BB%E4%B8%AD%E6%96%87%E5%AD%97%E5%9E%8B--%E5%BE%B7%E5%9C%8B%E6%B5%B7%E5%BE%B7%E5%A0%A1%E5%A4%A7%E5%AD%B8%E6%BC%A2%E5%AD%B8%E7%B3%BB%E6%8F%90%E4%BE%9B
- http://fundesigner.net/google-web-font/
2013年7月14日 星期日
Action (.atn) in Photoshop Elements 11--New Feature
Just want to share some thoughts.
I am so glad to know there is action feature added in Photoshop Elements11 (video tutorial here, http://tv.adobe.com/watch/learn-photoshop-elements-11/adding-actions/), but it can only run very limited actions and it cannot create .atn unlike Photoshop CS or CC. Therefore, some people may come out some actions to sell to photoshop elements users if they have CS or CC version of photoshop to create them, perhaps. Anyway, it is glad to know. Is that possible to run script in Elements series in any future version even though it cannot support writing script?
Anyway, I hope to know is there any plug-in to add 360 degree rotation (i.e. x,y and z rotation) in photoshop elemets? This feature is even in microsoft powerpoint, why can I not find this feature in photoshop elements? Is that possible photoshop elements to support more formats, e.g. 3D poser tubes? I suppose it will be much better if DAZ studio can plug-in to photoshop elements rather than being a standalone software. I would like that, does anyone agree with me?
I got weak nerves and cannot sleep well to wonder and wonder.......
P.S. Here is the link for FREE page curl plug-in, http://morepunkinstuff.tripod.com/filters/Mac/mac.html
I am so glad to know there is action feature added in Photoshop Elements11 (video tutorial here, http://tv.adobe.com/watch/learn-photoshop-elements-11/adding-actions/), but it can only run very limited actions and it cannot create .atn unlike Photoshop CS or CC. Therefore, some people may come out some actions to sell to photoshop elements users if they have CS or CC version of photoshop to create them, perhaps. Anyway, it is glad to know. Is that possible to run script in Elements series in any future version even though it cannot support writing script?
Anyway, I hope to know is there any plug-in to add 360 degree rotation (i.e. x,y and z rotation) in photoshop elemets? This feature is even in microsoft powerpoint, why can I not find this feature in photoshop elements? Is that possible photoshop elements to support more formats, e.g. 3D poser tubes? I suppose it will be much better if DAZ studio can plug-in to photoshop elements rather than being a standalone software. I would like that, does anyone agree with me?
I got weak nerves and cannot sleep well to wonder and wonder.......
P.S. Here is the link for FREE page curl plug-in, http://morepunkinstuff.tripod.com/filters/Mac/mac.html
2013年7月6日 星期六
FREE Amazing Photoshop Video Tutorials
I found I learnt a lot about photoshop although I do not use it because of its expensive price. At least, I know how photoshop CS works and why it bests other graphic software.
I have learnt to apply brushes to layer mask from this video tutorial (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbd21dGAPMM) that I never knew in the past. It works in photoshop elements as well.
I have learnt a different way to blend two images in Photoshop element by this video tutorial, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HN0PUdWcPKs
I have learnt a different way to blend two images in Photoshop element by this video tutorial, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HN0PUdWcPKs
This is an amazing tutorial byAndrei Oprinca, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RG99wElTOhY
For more free tutorials by Andrei Oprinca, http://www.youtube.com/user/diphax?feature=watch
For more free tutorials by Andrei Oprinca, http://www.youtube.com/user/diphax?feature=watch
2013年7月5日 星期五
Why Do We NOT Have Gallery Like This in Taiwan?
I was thinking about a ticket-required gallery full of teddy bears in adult size and few other pretty dolls at separated floor. In this gallery, teddy bear is the spotlight and people can take photos with any of them, but they are untouchable. I guess there must be long queue.
A gallery full of this, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUnsEim9ksc Why Do We NOT Have Gallery Like This in Taiwan?
P.S. 我看過勝女的代價(SOP女王),男主角曾說過他要在中國開一個Teddy bear的專賣店,但我覺得合併索票式的展覽館會更好吧.一個展覽館有著跟人一樣大小的Teddy bear穿著各種服飾並有各種姿勢(就類似這個video的teddy bear那樣http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUnsEim9ksc)提供各種風格的拍照點.真想台灣有一個可愛又長期的展覽館.
A gallery full of this, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUnsEim9ksc Why Do We NOT Have Gallery Like This in Taiwan?
P.S. 我看過勝女的代價(SOP女王),男主角曾說過他要在中國開一個Teddy bear的專賣店,但我覺得合併索票式的展覽館會更好吧.一個展覽館有著跟人一樣大小的Teddy bear穿著各種服飾並有各種姿勢(就類似這個video的teddy bear那樣http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUnsEim9ksc)提供各種風格的拍照點.真想台灣有一個可愛又長期的展覽館.
2013年6月29日 星期六
Sell Your Downloads at DeviantART
Just update and change my old posts to make them look decent, I hope.
Just in case you can not find any download button for my free stuffs at my deviantART gallery, a little bit updated information about deviantART here. Now, deviantART is changing constantly and you might need to log in your account to download from time to time anything FREE and it is FREE to join in. Once you log in, download button at right hand side if you want to download FREE resources.
You can also sell your products( psd,ai,abr,csh...etc. or in zip file) at deviantART even if you have a FREE account. Just do NOT sell virus.
More GIMP resources at deviantART are here,http://lavandalu.deviantart.com/favourites/55907554
To sell downloads at deviantART, guidelines are here http://heidi.deviantart.com/journal/Premium-Content-Platform-313614186
P.S. There are some free plug-ins at this website of Philipp Spoeth and they work in photoshop elements. Here is the link http://www.philipp-spoeth.de/photoshop/sinedots.php
A list of more plug-ins, check this http://1979lavanda.blogspot.tw/2012/07/photoshop-plug-ins-free-for-commercial.html Now, the Filter Forge (a plug-in with huge filter gallery for commercial design as they told me so) is on sale and the discount is 70% OFF the original price (I figure this company do a lot discounts during summer holidays every year).
Just in case you can not find any download button for my free stuffs at my deviantART gallery, a little bit updated information about deviantART here. Now, deviantART is changing constantly and you might need to log in your account to download from time to time anything FREE and it is FREE to join in. Once you log in, download button at right hand side if you want to download FREE resources.
You can also sell your products( psd,ai,abr,csh...etc. or in zip file) at deviantART even if you have a FREE account. Just do NOT sell virus.
More GIMP resources at deviantART are here,http://lavandalu.deviantart.com/favourites/55907554
To sell downloads at deviantART, guidelines are here http://heidi.deviantart.com/journal/Premium-Content-Platform-313614186
P.S. There are some free plug-ins at this website of Philipp Spoeth and they work in photoshop elements. Here is the link http://www.philipp-spoeth.de/photoshop/sinedots.php
A list of more plug-ins, check this http://1979lavanda.blogspot.tw/2012/07/photoshop-plug-ins-free-for-commercial.html Now, the Filter Forge (a plug-in with huge filter gallery for commercial design as they told me so) is on sale and the discount is 70% OFF the original price (I figure this company do a lot discounts during summer holidays every year).
2013年6月24日 星期一
New Found FREE PNG Frame
Please visit http://photobucket.com/images/png%20frame?page=17 For download, click picture and then select download at right hand side below the "media options".
P.S. A list of mens' photo frames, http://kopona.org/frames-for-photo/mensframes/
One more P.S.:
You may want to consider blending your photos with png picture frames by using FREE online software at pixlr.com (http://pixlr.com/editor/)
1. Open pixlr editor (http://pixlr.com/editor/)
2. Select "Open image from computer"
3. Choose any PNG frame with transparent background (background removed)
4. Select "Layer", then "Open image as layer". You may choose any of your own photos (.jpg, excluding photos for insulting intentions) and then, at right hand side, move the layer with your jpg photo down and below the .png frame layer.
5. Select "Edit", then select "Free transform". You may adjust size of your .jpg photo(s) by pulling /dragging cater-cornered to make sure the proportion of the photo remains still.
6. Press Enter, then select "yes" to confirm the change or "No" to restart.
7. Finally, select "File" and "Save" and then choose a location to save file. Click "okay" to save final work.
P.S. Most png frames of my design in this gallery (http://lavandalu.deviantart.com/gallery/35276593) are in 4"x 6" print size (10cm x 15cm in high resolution => 2362 x 3543) by default.
If you are interested in more photo frames, why not try this one (imikimi.com, click here http://www.imikimi.com/#panels[0][url]=%2Fbrowse%2Fgrid_view%3Fbrowse_mode%3Dhottest%26browse_time_mode%3Dthis_week&panels[0][context]=Frames&panels[0][title]=All%20Kimis&panels[0][width]=auto&panels[0][current]=true). This website features different FREE photo frames (it is free only if you use PC rather than smartphones or something else) and enables you to save your photos for prints or share.
For .PSD layer frame, you can not use pixlr editor, but you may want to consider a FREE open source that is GIMP2.8. Outline of blending photos with .psd layer frames by using GIMP is listed below:
P.S. A list of mens' photo frames, http://kopona.org/frames-for-photo/mensframes/
One more P.S.:
You may want to consider blending your photos with png picture frames by using FREE online software at pixlr.com (http://pixlr.com/editor/)
1. Open pixlr editor (http://pixlr.com/editor/)
2. Select "Open image from computer"
3. Choose any PNG frame with transparent background (background removed)
4. Select "Layer", then "Open image as layer". You may choose any of your own photos (.jpg, excluding photos for insulting intentions) and then, at right hand side, move the layer with your jpg photo down and below the .png frame layer.
5. Select "Edit", then select "Free transform". You may adjust size of your .jpg photo(s) by pulling /dragging cater-cornered to make sure the proportion of the photo remains still.
6. Press Enter, then select "yes" to confirm the change or "No" to restart.
7. Finally, select "File" and "Save" and then choose a location to save file. Click "okay" to save final work.
P.S. Most png frames of my design in this gallery (http://lavandalu.deviantart.com/gallery/35276593) are in 4"x 6" print size (10cm x 15cm in high resolution => 2362 x 3543) by default.
If you are interested in more photo frames, why not try this one (imikimi.com, click here http://www.imikimi.com/#panels[0][url]=%2Fbrowse%2Fgrid_view%3Fbrowse_mode%3Dhottest%26browse_time_mode%3Dthis_week&panels[0][context]=Frames&panels[0][title]=All%20Kimis&panels[0][width]=auto&panels[0][current]=true). This website features different FREE photo frames (it is free only if you use PC rather than smartphones or something else) and enables you to save your photos for prints or share.
For .PSD layer frame, you can not use pixlr editor, but you may want to consider a FREE open source that is GIMP2.8. Outline of blending photos with .psd layer frames by using GIMP is listed below:
Go to GIMP official website to
download GIMP2.8.6, http://www.gimp.org/downloads/
Run GIMP and choose language to
For creating shortcut of GIMP
on desktop, go to start menu and then search “GIMP”. Then, move optical mouse
to GIMP2 and right click optical mouse. Select “send to” and then “desktop
(create shortcut)”
Click GIMP 2 on your desktop
shortcut (you may need to wait for it to response)
Before blending photos, make sure
layer function is on, so click “Windows” in GIMPàclick “Dockable
Dialogsàselect “Layers” (or Ctrl+L)
To open a new psd file, “File”à”Open”àselect any psd frameàclick “Open”
At layer panel (should be at
right hand side), there are many layers. You can deselect unwanted layers (e.g.
other people’s photos and background) by unticking the eye of the layer.
To add your own photo, go to “File”àclick “Open as Layers”àchoose any of
your jpg photoàclick “Open”. Then, your photo will appear in one of many layers at
layer panel
If you do not see a
Toolbox-Tool Options(it is usually at left hand side when you start GIMP) , then go to “Windows” in GIMP2àclick “Toolbox-Tool
Options”àselect “Scale Tool” to change size of your photoàselect “Scale”
10. Move your photo below the frame
11. To save your image in your desired file extension, go to “File”àclick “Export” (or press Shift+Ctrl+E)à at
the bottom area (all export image), you can select your own format, such as png
or jpg. At the area of name, you can retype the name, but be sure of file
extension is the same as file extension at area of all export image. Finally, save
final image in any folder you want to choose by click “Export”.
Good GIMP scripts are here, https://sites.google.com/site/elsamuko/gimp and GIMP scripts from google (download s are at left hand side) are here, https://code.google.com/p/gps-gimp-paint-studio/
Good GIMP scripts are here, https://sites.google.com/site/elsamuko/gimp and GIMP scripts from google (download s are at left hand side) are here, https://code.google.com/p/gps-gimp-paint-studio/
2013年6月23日 星期日
Legally FREE e-books at Amazon.com
Amazon.com offers English legally free e-books to worldwide, as far as I found. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss/183-4236010-3373459?url=search-alias%3Ddigital-text&field-keywords=free
Just go to Amazon.com and then choose Kindle Store to search "FREE". Afterwards, there is a list that is full of free e-books ($0.00) or very low price e-books and it accepts Taiwanese credit card and Taiwanese delivery address as long as you purchase at Kindle Store, unlike Kindle Store at Amazon.co.uk (Taiwanese delivery address is not acceptable at Amazon.co.uk at all).
To view e-books at Amazon.com, you do not have to purchase their kindle device because you can always choose to install kindle application (more detail, visit http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html/ref=dig_arl_box?ie=UTF8&docId=1000493771 ) at your PC or as plug-in (extension) to your chrome browser by using kindle cloud reader (more detail, visit http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html/ref=dig_arl_box?ie=UTF8&docId=1000493771 ).
Just go to Amazon.com and then choose Kindle Store to search "FREE". Afterwards, there is a list that is full of free e-books ($0.00) or very low price e-books and it accepts Taiwanese credit card and Taiwanese delivery address as long as you purchase at Kindle Store, unlike Kindle Store at Amazon.co.uk (Taiwanese delivery address is not acceptable at Amazon.co.uk at all).
To view e-books at Amazon.com, you do not have to purchase their kindle device because you can always choose to install kindle application (more detail, visit http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html/ref=dig_arl_box?ie=UTF8&docId=1000493771 ) at your PC or as plug-in (extension) to your chrome browser by using kindle cloud reader (more detail, visit http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html/ref=dig_arl_box?ie=UTF8&docId=1000493771 ).
2013年6月6日 星期四
Finished 3D Models
I have a favourite folder at deviantArt (DA) that collects a lot of finished 3D models from different artists at deviantart. They are mostly free for personal use only. If you are interested in this sort of arts, why not visit http://lavandalu.deviantart.com/favourites/55055755 Most are downloadable on-site. Now, just in case you do not see download buttons at pages of free resources, deviantART has changed and you might need to log in your account to download and it is FREE to join in. You can also sell your products( psd,ai,abr,csh or in zip file...etc.) at deviantART even if you have a FREE account.
P.S. They are from different artists at deviantart.
brushes collection, http://lavandalu.deviantart.com/favourites/52105769
.CSH custom shapes collection, http://lavandalu.deviantart.com/favourites/51755785
.asl style collection, http://lavandalu.deviantart.com/favourites/51743843
All sorts of PNG stock resources, http://lavandalu.deviantart.com/favourites/49795751
PSD resources, http://lavandalu.deviantart.com/favourites/45417342
P.S. They are from different artists at deviantart.
brushes collection, http://lavandalu.deviantart.com/favourites/52105769
.CSH custom shapes collection, http://lavandalu.deviantart.com/favourites/51755785
.asl style collection, http://lavandalu.deviantart.com/favourites/51743843
All sorts of PNG stock resources, http://lavandalu.deviantart.com/favourites/49795751
PSD resources, http://lavandalu.deviantart.com/favourites/45417342
2013年5月25日 星期六
MashiMaro's Animation (賤兔的動畫)
As title of this post, click
http://www.ctfamily.com.tw/download.html (-->click 動畫下載)
or http://www.ctfamily.com.tw/ms.html -->下載區-->左邊清單,選"賤兔Flash動畫影片觀賞"即可觀賞
http://www.ctfamily.com.tw/download.html (-->click 動畫下載)
or http://www.ctfamily.com.tw/ms.html -->下載區-->左邊清單,選"賤兔Flash動畫影片觀賞"即可觀賞
2013年5月23日 星期四
2013年5月22日 星期三
Vukee M- Sells Photos from Smartphone and iPhone
I do not know it is real or not. However, if you are interested this sort of things, you may want to try.
At google play, you can search this application or click https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.vukee.media.android&hl=en
At apple store, you can also find this application as long as you type "Vukee M" and search.
Or, you may want to visit its official website if you prefer to upload photos by PC, https://www.vukee-m.com/
P.S. Other application for selling photos from smartphone,
Newly updated information is that derviantART member with free account now can sell their products at will. You can sell vectors, psd files, games, png resouces or anything in zip format (NOT including virus)...etc.
Sorry, this is a new P.S. to sell download at deviantART, guidelines are here
At google play, you can search this application or click https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.vukee.media.android&hl=en
At apple store, you can also find this application as long as you type "Vukee M" and search.
Or, you may want to visit its official website if you prefer to upload photos by PC, https://www.vukee-m.com/
P.S. Other application for selling photos from smartphone,
- Glopho, https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=uk.co.eigo.glopho&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsInVrLmNvLmVpZ28uZ2xvcGhvIl0.
- Stock Magic, https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.avinuity.indivlyandroid&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImNvbS5hdmludWl0eS5pbmRpdmx5YW5kcm9pZCJd
Newly updated information is that derviantART member with free account now can sell their products at will. You can sell vectors, psd files, games, png resouces or anything in zip format (NOT including virus)...etc.
Sorry, this is a new P.S. to sell download at deviantART, guidelines are here
- http://heidi.deviantart.com/journal/Premium-Content-Platform-313614186
- http://ayame-kenoshi.deviantart.com/journal/Make-Money-Selling-Premium-Content-358249310
2013年5月5日 星期日
Amazing Graphic Stocks
I like this style of png stocks from Fantasy Backgrounds Store, http://fantasybackgroundsstore.com/index.php?main_page=products_all (purchased items can be used for personal or commercial design, TOU http://fantasybackgroundsstore.com/index.php?main_page=conditions). Unfortunately, they are not commonly seen in Taiwan.
There are free items from this shop-Fantasy Backgrounds Store as well (freebies are only for personal use), http://fantasybackgroundsstore.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=7 Although you need to add free item to cart, you do not really need to pay.
P.S. I like this graphs from this stock shop as well, http://www.yurdigital.com/catalog/2d-content
FREE items are here, http://www.yurdigital.com/catalog/free-content
For a list of scrap kits, here is http://1979lavanda.blogspot.tw/2011/11/scrap-kits-for-photoshops.html
There are free items from this shop-Fantasy Backgrounds Store as well (freebies are only for personal use), http://fantasybackgroundsstore.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=7 Although you need to add free item to cart, you do not really need to pay.
P.S. I like this graphs from this stock shop as well, http://www.yurdigital.com/catalog/2d-content
FREE items are here, http://www.yurdigital.com/catalog/free-content
For a list of scrap kits, here is http://1979lavanda.blogspot.tw/2011/11/scrap-kits-for-photoshops.html
2013年4月12日 星期五
2013年4月11日 星期四
FREE 3D software-DAZ Studio Pro 4.5
DAZ Studio Pro 4.5 (English version) is now free to use once you add to cart without actually paying anything http://www.daz3d.com/daz-studio-4-pro/. However, content needs money to render in DAZ. To play with the software, you will need to buy model base.
All freebies like characters, eyes, dresses and hairs need 3D model base, such as vectoria 4 base, http://www.daz3d.com/victoria-4-2-base to play with software. Other developed characters, pose, eyes and dresses can be free available at various websites,such as http://www.graphixshare.com/3d/page/1/ and http://fbox.org/3d-graphics/22042-50-characters-for-victoria-4.html
However, you can still choose donation-styled content packs at http://www.sharecg.com/b/21/DAZStudio you are only required donation (no fixed prices) for some items at this website, but most are free.
P.S. some FREE tutorials I found below:
All freebies like characters, eyes, dresses and hairs need 3D model base, such as vectoria 4 base, http://www.daz3d.com/victoria-4-2-base to play with software. Other developed characters, pose, eyes and dresses can be free available at various websites,such as http://www.graphixshare.com/3d/page/1/ and http://fbox.org/3d-graphics/22042-50-characters-for-victoria-4.html
However, you can still choose donation-styled content packs at http://www.sharecg.com/b/21/DAZStudio you are only required donation (no fixed prices) for some items at this website, but most are free.
P.S. some FREE tutorials I found below:
2013年1月25日 星期五
A Legally FREE Film
Born of Hope is a free film that only requires donation. If you like it and you have spare money, then donates it whatever the amount you want to give. That is kind of special, do you not think so? How much do you think this film worth?
I know if a software requires donation, then it is called donateware. After you used the software, price it and give an amount you think what the software may worth. Or, you can use it for free if you are poor, but you need the software, I guess. However, I do not know how can I call this type of donate-film? Place on the Internet and ask donation(s) in the price of your own value?
The official film link (Born of Hope) is http://www.bornofhope.com/Watch.html
You're welcome to check out it is legal or not.
I know if a software requires donation, then it is called donateware. After you used the software, price it and give an amount you think what the software may worth. Or, you can use it for free if you are poor, but you need the software, I guess. However, I do not know how can I call this type of donate-film? Place on the Internet and ask donation(s) in the price of your own value?
The official film link (Born of Hope) is http://www.bornofhope.com/Watch.html
You're welcome to check out it is legal or not.
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