2011年12月31日 星期六

NEW PNG Frames4

This set of PNG frames are for personal use only. Thank you!
PNG frames are created by using Photoshop Elements 10 and Photo Effects Studio. Thank you for liking my designs!

My Very Frist ICON Design

These are PNG icon designs and they are FREE for personal use only.
Thank you for liking my designs.

2011年12月29日 星期四

My New FREE PNG frame

This set of frames I made by using style from http://graphicssoft.about.com/od/photoshopstyles/ss/SKS-Spring2011-Styles.htm This style is designed by Shelby Kate Schmitz and they are free for personal or commercial use. 
PNG frames are created by using Photoshop Elements 10, Microsoft Office PowerPoint and Photo Effects Studio. Thank you for liking them!

I think this is a good blog

I think this is a good blog for people who want to take an Adobe exams.

2011年12月28日 星期三

FREE Photoshop brushes from Adobe Offical Website

You can also upload your own creation to Adobe for sharing or advertising. At the above link, there is " MY EXCHANGE" at right bottom, you may use " uploads" to upload your own stuffs.
情報來源(News Sources):http://forum.gamer.com.tw/Co.php?bsn=60143&sn=79113

Top 8 websites for downloading FREE burshes for personal or commercial use (精選8個Photoshop筆刷(brush)下載網站)


15 websites of inspiration for web designers 精選15個設計網站


FREE magazine 免費英文雜誌


My Other Graphic Frame Designs

My other frame designed by Photoshop Elements10 and style from http://lordofdesign.com/80-golden-styles/ or http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=106567248373
Basically, I like golden colour, so I use it a lot. In fact, I like yellow gold (24K) more, but not much money to have them.
These are PNG frames designed by myself and I just put my name at the corner of frames, so you do not mind, then you can use them for personal use only.
Last frame is made by brushes from http://dezignus.com/floristic-shapes2/
PNG frames are created by using Photoshop Elements 10 and Photo Effects Studio.

2011年12月27日 星期二

FREE frame by using Jill's Freebies

This is FREE PNG frame done by using Jill's FREE commercial kit-GI December Blogtrain
However, I design this frame, so I put my name at the corner of this frame.
The following frame I combine the same kit and style from http://lordofdesign.com/80-golden-styles/ or http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=106567248373

  Source: http://created-by-jill.blogspot.com/search/label/FREEBIES 
PNG frames are created by only using Photoshop Elements 10.

Sell Softwares Online

  1. http://www.regnow.com/
  2. http://www.click2sell.eu/en/sell-software-online.html
  3. http://www.g2s.com/sell-software-online 
  4. http://www.payproglobal.com/ 
  5. http://home.plimus.com/ecommerce/ 
  6. http://www.earlyimpact.com/productcart/ecommerce-features-digital-products.asp 
  7. http://www.softwarecasa.com/sell-software-i-4.html 
  8. http://www.fastspring.com/selling-software-online.php 
  9. https://upload.cnet.com/ 
For more, please view the post-"Sell e-Books or Softwares Online"

FREE e-books


Sell e-Books or Softwares On-line

You can sell ebooks or your own creative novel on-line.
  1. https://www.payloadz.com/default.aspx?gclid=CPiN6pbuoa0CFSFNpgodTEx-kw&http-referer=http://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=CmAJHSoX5Tua6O6KUmQXmhZizAtmm0oMCudTByB-%20-oLIaCAAQASC2VCgDUNie0Mz9_____wFgn7mHjtQooAHm-b7_A8gBAaoEG0_Q4iJ-pKNzUG1tWVIoZFkF3u1ZX4f2SSNKjoAFkE66BRMIiO3_kO6hrQIVIzumCh3OKOgjygUA&rct=j&q=sell
  2. http://www.ebookbay.com/
  3. http://www.artistscope.com/copy-protect-ebook-sales.asp?gclid=CMaD9f3uoa0CFQ2DpAodPn5LlA
  4. http://www.bookswealth.com/
  5. http://www.click2sell.eu/en/sell-ebooks-online.html
  6. http://www.payloadz.com/info-sell-ebooks.asp
  7. http://www.digitalcontentcenter.com/
  8. http://sellebooks.cerizmo.com/ 
  9. http://www.seymourproducts.com/ 
  10. http://bigmoneyweb.com/7-places-to-sell-ebooks-online/ 
  11. http://www.sellebooksandsoftwareonline.com/why
Enjoy News!

2011年12月26日 星期一

Sell Your Work On-line

You can sell your work at this website if you have any creations.
  1. http://graphicriver.net/wiki/selling/author-selling/author-program/
  2. http://www.gallery-worldwide.com/exhibitor/ 
  3. http://www.art-exchange.com/Membership.aspx 
  4. http://escapefromillustrationisland.com/2010/02/12/15-places-to-sell-your-work-online/ 
  5. http://depotwebdesigner.com/articles/25-best-marketplaces-to-sell-your-work-online.html 
  6. http://www.foliolink.com/sales.asp 
Enjoy this news! Please refers to other posts to see more websites to sell your stuffs.

FREE Styles for Photoshop Family

  1. http://myphotoshopbrushes.com/styles_and_gradients
  2. http://www.1stwebdesigner.com/freebies/best-free-photoshop-layer-styles/ 
  3. http://vandelaydesign.com/blog/design/free-photoshop-styles/ 
  4. http://www.graphicmania.net/33-useful-photoshop-styles-sets-for-your-design/
  5. http://photoshopstyles.net/
  6. http://www.designzzz.com/free-photoshop-layer-styles-designers/
  7. http://diza-74.deviantart.com/gallery/ 
  8. http://photoshopstyles.deviantart.com/gallery/ 
  9. http://artoriusgothicus.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d3bgf72 (http://artoriusgothicus.deviantart.com/gallery/)
  10.  http://textuts.deviantart.com/gallery/
  11. http://kimi1122.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d3hr2up 
  12. http://browse.deviantart.com/?q=text%20style&order=9&offset=48#/d3i00v1
  13. http://vladedimovski.deviantart.com/gallery/
  14. http://era-89.deviantart.com/gallery/
Many more FREE photoshop styles to use at http://www.deviantart.com/ , just search " text style" to apply to your custom shape to have different colours of frames ( frames provided by photoshop elements 10).

Floral PNG Frame made by myself

This is FREE PNG frame made by myself by Photoshop Elements10, so all stuffs and materials are mine except text style (from http://lordofdesign.com/80-golden-styles/ or http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=106567248373).I took photo of Orchidaceae by myself, so I think this copyright belongs to me.
Please use it for personal use only. IF I can make this frame, you can make it by yourself. You just need to take more floral pictures from nature and only use Photoshop Elements10 and your ideas.

P.S. There are more png frames I designed at my deviantART gallery http://lavandalu.deviantart.com/gallery/35276593. You are free to download for personal use. You can either click picture to save the image or click download button at right side for higher pixel to save.

2011年12月25日 星期日

My New Designed PNG Frames with a Little Bit Digital Drawing

This is my new designed PNG frames for FREE personal use, but please do NOT re-upload or repost to any other sites. Thank you. Please refers to other posts to know how you can use png graphic frames. I did a little bit digital drawings in this set of graphic frames.
PNG frames are created by using Photoshop Elements 10 and Photo Effects Studio. P.S. You can always adjust brightness of photos by yourself. If you do not know how, just ask.

My BG Frames design by myself

These are FREE PNG frames designed by myself just like my background of this blog, which can be used by Microsoft Office Powerpoint and other softwares. I just practise to create and design something beautiful, so please support my right to claim my artworks as my own only. You can use them, but please do NOT claim them as your own. Thank you!
PNG frames are created by using Photoshop Elements 10 and Photo Effects Studio. Thank you for liking my design!

FREE PNG frame designed by myself

This is a FREE PNG frame designed by myself that is why I took off those frames made by other people's FREE scrapkit. I want to make my own stuffs. Please enjoy it, but respect my creation.
PNG frames are created by using Photoshop Elements 10 and Photo Effects Studio. Thank you for liking my design.

2011年12月23日 星期五

Software for creating 3D models (3D人物塑造軟體)--mistake corrected

It is expensive price to pay to create beautiful 3D character tubes I think because softwares I saw that are used to create poser tubes and 3D model are expensive.

  1. http://poser.smithmicro.com/ ( Poser in Chinese Traditional 繁體中文版, http://ecshweb.pchome.com.tw/search/v2/?q=poser)
  2. http://www.autodesk.com/products/autodesk-3ds-max/buy

DAZ studio (official website: http://www.daz3d.com/products/daz-studio/daz-studio-what-is-daz-studio/ ) is already free available to download and use and yet if you need more materials, you still need to pay expensive price for character bases. http://1979lavanda.blogspot.com/2013/04/free-3d-software-daz-studio-pro-45.html 

IF you want poser tubes for commerical purpose

 Anita Lee Creations offer commercial poser tubes for commercial and non-commercial use if you like to know, please visit the below website.

2011年12月20日 星期二

FREE Frames--open by Photoimpact or Ulead GIF animator

FREE frames at this website http://lxc66188.blog.163.com/blog/static/91764986200942310339681/ are difficult to open by Photoshop, but you can open files by photoimpact or Ulead GIF animator after you save them into your computer or USB drives.

FREE PNG Frames3 (designed by others)

Just ignore Chinese words if you do not understand. These are also FREE PNG frames for personal use.
  1. http://xiyuan617269928.blog.163.com/blog/static/704303652010730103133344/ 
  2. http://pclover.5d6d.com/thread-22104-1-1.html 
  3. http://abc444.5d6d.com/thread-492-1-1.html
  4. http://q.yesky.com/thread-9025074-1-1.html
  5. http://sucai.sioe.cn/xiangkuang/5445.html 
  6. http://sucai.sioe.cn/xiangkuang/5446.html
  7. http://album.udn.com/ltm960598/photo/3920655?o=new (this one contain GIF Frames)
IF you insist to know the meaning of those Chinese words, you can use google to translate http://translate.google.com/?hl=en&tab=wT
It even provides you the pronunciation at right bottom, just click "listen"


PSD 用Adobe Photoshop系列(包括 Photoshop Elements, Photoshop CS及Photoshop CS Extended)的軟體來開檔,更能知其奧妙.此網不需註冊即可下載(選圖點擊-->圖片下方有下載地址Go,點擊 " 下载地址1",例如 http://www.sucaitianxia.com/psd/xkbk/201111/37308.html--> 視窗跳出後-->選擇 " 本地下载" 即可下載. 端看網速.

相框總覽(請往下), http://www.sucaitianxia.com/psd/xkbk/Index.html

另一網站,也無需註冊即可儲存PNG檔,但下載需註冊: http://www.nipic.com/design/66/1.html
nipic網開啟後--> 選擇相框/圖框後點擊--> 請看標題或格式, 若是PNG, 請按滑鼠右鍵--> 選擇儲存檔案,即可使用他們的免費圖框部分.



2011年12月18日 星期日

Where can you find massive images for commercial use?

You can either enjoy some beautiful designs and download watermark-free images for FREE personal use or purchase them for commercial use.
Anyway, for commercial user, they just need to purchase those artworks of those poor designers.
For example,
Butterflies And Hearts Clouds In The Sky 免版稅剪貼畫,向量插圖和股票. Image 9932977.

2011年12月16日 星期五

Create Brushes by Photoshop Elements10

I just outline the steps of creating brushes by photoshop elements10.
  1. open a new document
  2. choose " image" --> " mode" --> "Grayscale"
  3. drawing your image
  4. " Edit" --> "Define Brush..."--> name the brush--> click "okay"
  5. Then, "Brush Tool (B)" at left hand tool list.
  6. Click the arrow "show selected brush presets" (arrow is next to the box that is below the "file") -->
  7. Click the double arrows at right side to "Save Brush..." as abr file.
Reference: http://www.nikibrown.com/designoblog/2009/08/27/how-to-create-brushes-in-photoshop/

How to Post GIF to Google Blog

My way of posting GIF to Google Blog.
  1. You can upload your photos to https://picasaweb.google.com/home first(optional)
  2. choose " New Post"
  3. choose "HTML"
  4. choose " Insert Image" to upload GIF file
  5. Then, you will see HTML code and then copy the website URL after this code " <a href= "
  6. Then, upload your GIF by chosing " from a url" to paste the GIF URL generated by google. Or, choose to close the new post
  7. Choose layout to upload picture by using URL (the code generated by google)

IF your GIF did not move a bit, then you should save gif as "web restrictive" that can be done by Photoshop Elements10.
  1. save as " GIF"
  2. choose save " Layers As Frames"--> click "save"
  3. window pop up, please see the setting at right side-->select " Restrictive (web) " & " Animate" below it

By the way, please do "NOT" try to kill me by soul manipulation or brainwave interference just because of me posting new stuffs to google blog or email to my friends or even family. Believe this or NOT.

"別"用腦波干擾或攝魂術來害我發生意外! 信我者是仁慈的,謝謝!

Enjoy the FREE sources I collected. Cheer!

2011年12月13日 星期二

FREE PNG Frames 3

You can use any softwares which can open png files and the softwares which have the function of " send it back/front" to apply frames into your photos.
  1. http://www.missyuan.com/thread-115299-1-1.html
  2. http://pclover.5d6d.com/thread-21924-1-1.html

Do you know Photoshop elements10 can open AI files?

As the title. Photoshop elements 10 can indeed open AI files and EPS files.

FREE PNG Frames2

Those frames are in PNG format and you can use Adobe's softwares or even Microsoft Office PowerPoint to add those frames into your photo by " send to back" or " send to front" function. Then, print them as postcard or greeting cards that will be wonderful for sending to closest ones.
  1. http://fanny108.mysinablog.com/index.php?op=ViewArticle&articleId=2262460 
  2. http://fanny108.mysinablog.com/index.php?op=ViewArticle&articleId=2161296
  3. http://fanny108.mysinablog.com/index.php?op=ViewArticle&articleId=2482246
  4. http://xiyuan617269928.blog.163.com/blog/static/70430365201073011244749/
  5. http://xiyuan617269928.blog.163.com/blog/static/70430365201073010384202/
  6. http://photo.loveyd.com/2/200806/02-935.html
  7. http://www.xin1960.blog.163.com/blog/static/113298879201135102527360/
  8. http://fanny108.mysinablog.com/index.php?op=ViewArticle&articleId=2130951

2011年12月6日 星期二

Free Recipes provided by FamousCuisine magazine!

In both English and Chinese (you can zoom in or zoom out)

In each magazine (by clicking titles to view FREE recipes) at each page, there are limited numbers of FREE completed recipes at the bottom of page in both Chinese and English language. IF any foreign people want to learn to cook Chinese meal, then you will like what this website provides.

If you are interested in making money by trading stock or currencies

IF you are interested in making money by trading stock through the Internet by the service provided from MSN online stock trading.

2011年12月5日 星期一

Be An Applications Deveopler at Apple Store-- make little money

You can register as an apple developer through this website http://developer.apple.com/devcenter/mac/index.action to create applications for using at Mac, iPhone and iPad to make money. However, you have to have Mac or iPad to upload.

  1. You can also make your gallery to be ONLY available at apple store for either FREE or commercial purpose. 
  2. You can develop softwares for using at Mac, iPhone and iPad for either FREE or commercial purpose.  

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